Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sept. 5th - Mt. Emei & Giant Buddha - Got a Workout Today

This weekend we all board a bus, final destination Dujianyan City (quake zone). First we spend an incredible cultural day at the Giant Buddha followed by an overnight stay at Mt. Emei (see photo). The Giant Buddha stands several stories high, the walk down -- awesome --- the walk back up exhausting in 85 degree/high humidity! It is truly an impressive sight.

Following this onward to Mt. Emei where we leverage several forms of transportation ultimate goal - mountain top. First we take a 1 hour bus ride, weaving through the pcturesque hillsides, for a flora and fauna lover like myself the views out of the windows - breathtaking -- canna lilies, various ferns, anenome's all grow wild. Beautiful rambling perfectly clear streams cascade down the mountain sides. We follow our bus trip with a 30 minute climb (several 100 steps) up the mountainside, then a cable car ride to the top. The view from the top -- well on that day -- only mist! After an overnight stay at the mountain top hotel, everyone's up and hillside by 5:30 am. to catch the morning sunrise -- us 9 -- and about 300 locals -- enjoying. Many of my colleagues rent winter coats for the early morning (we are warned its chilly). I laugh, at long last the temperature is comfortable -- I'm enjoying the experience in T-shirt only, finally not feeling hot & sweaty!

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